Archive | March 2010

Mots croisés.

We did a simple crossword in class today, and nothing struck me as unusal.

Just now, dining on my soup, I read a post by New Yorker’s Hendrik Hertzberg on David Frum‘s ouster on TNC’s blog:

The Politburo has dealt appropriately with David Frum, the notorious left devationist antisocial element. Frum has been frog-marched from his Kremlin office and exiled to a minor position in Nobuxograd.

Good laugh. Then I thought, “It’d be cool if David Frum was a crossword answer ten years hence.” Then it STRUCK me: I haven’t done a crossword puzzle since February 16!


And as always, to delight us all, the Vice President of the United States:

Block off this month.

11 June-11 July 2010.

I can hardly believe it was four years ago:

More later.

From Fallows

Health-Care Reform, the Morning After – Politics – The Atlantic.

Fallows quoting a reader who has been denied insurance coverage by private insurers because of a chronic condition:

Until tonight, I have been a Democrat because of people like Gingrich and Bush, Palin and Pawlenty. After tonight, I am an Obama Democrat in the sense that my grandparents were Roosevelt Democrats. For all the problems with HCR, for all the compromises and deals and disappointments and inefficiencies, tonight the Democrats stood up and took a political risk to say that I deserve medical coverage, that it’s no longer okay to treat my health as sad but acceptable collateral damage in a Social Darwinist system. That’s why this moment matters to me.
“…I am an Obama Democrat in the sense that my grandparents were Roosevelt Democrats.”

That about sums it up.

Mark those 21 march calendars!


I have nothing to say that James Fallows, Ezra Klein, among many, many others haven’t said. In fact, Fallows says it so well that I’ll let him do the talking (next post). There’s a one-man live band playing French folk music outside my window, walking the street. A man with a trumpet and a cassette player. Love spring in Paris.